This Is What We Are Here For... Lots of Love, Light, & CBD.

Aug 6th 2020

What is Cannablisskiss?

Cannablisskiss is an all-encompassing health and wellness company, so this isn’t just about CBD products. This is about you. This is about creating a life free from the mental and physical things that are weighing us down. It’s being able to listen to your mind and body, to know what you need and when you need it. It’s knowing HOW to give yourself everything you need. Not materially, but mentally, and physically. It’s listening to your mind to know when to calm down and focus on your breathing. It’s listening to your body to know when you need a couple stretches in the morning, and exactly what stretches you need to relieve the tension or pain. It’s being honest with yourself about your emotions and knowing when you need to take a break. It’s being in tune with your mind, body, and spirit. When all three are aligned, you can live a harmonious life that brings you happiness with every waking morning.

I started my yoga journey about six years ago after my best friend and I decided to take a yoga class at our gym. I had no intentions of doing yoga all the time, or even again after the class. It was simply to try it out. Little did I know, it would change my life drastically, in an incredible way. I would go to the yoga classes offered at the gym as often as I could, which was usually two or three times a week. It was a one hour class of being with my mind and body. A room away from everyone. A time that was spent connecting myself to how my body felt, and noticing how mentally strong I was that day. Walking out of yoga class was like walking on sunshine. Not only did my body feel good, but my mind was clear and refreshed. The thing about yoga is that it’s not just stretching with crazy poses. It’s taking a moment to focus on your breath. Sitting in a comfy spot to meditate. It’s being introspective. Observing how you are feeling that day, looking to see if you are showing yourself enough love. It’s a moment to be thankful for yourself, and your mind.

It’s filling your cup with so much self-love that it overflows to others.

We need this now more than ever.

My vision for this company is to help others find their highest path in life. To leave behind old ways of thinking that no longer serve us and the greater good of humanity. To let go of the negative energies that we hold within ourselves and towards others. To be thankful for every experience that we’ve had, because every single moment has led us to be the amazing and imperfect humans that we are today.

This is to becoming the best version of ourselves, for ourselves. To live a happy life.

You are worthy of all of the love, light, and positive energies coming your way.

Now, to add a little CBD :)

Cannablisskiss started as a homemade, all-natural lip balm company four years ago without a name or fancy labeling. I wanted to make a lip balm that was natural and simple, with easy to read ingredients that only had what our skin needs. For the past four years, I have been researching different types of skincare and trying to find the best products for our bodies. What I came to find out, was that CBD can help us tremendously. Those that have tried it already love it. Those that haven't tried it yet are usually either looking to try it, but don't know where to get a quality product; they don't know what CBD is, or they haven't heard of it at all.

So, what is CBD?

CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is the non-psychoactive part of the cannabis plant. It has all the beautiful health benefits, without the high that is produced from the THC (psychoactive) part of the plant. Cannabinoids don't only exist on the cannabis plant, we have them naturally within our bodies. CBD interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, which is part of all of the body's major physiological systems. So CBD is balancing out the systems that we have in our bodies naturally. It's the perfect elixir for everyday use on skin to keep it happy and healthy, but it can also help to relieve aches and pains. There are so many beautiful benefits of CBD I can't wait to share lots of new products and information with you!

Many things are brewing behind the curtain here at Cannablisskiss. You can look forward to seeing meditation and yoga videos, along with more posts about mindfulness and manifesting your best life. Sign up for our email list to make sure you never miss a beat and stay up to date on all the love and light coming your way! Feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions or just want to talk more about what was mentioned above. I look forward to connecting with you :)

With love and light,
